A new appointment with Chitkara Design School, Chitkara University on July 19th in the frame of global cooperation and cross pollination through design with Global Design Perspectives. Best Practices and Emerging Trends from Italy. This session has provided an overview of the latest design trends and best practices from Italy in the field of brand design, communication and UX/UI, starting from Dynamic brand methodology.

It delved into how global design standards are evolving and what this means for emerging designers. The talk also covered our insights as leading Italian design firm, awarded by the World Brand Design Society in the Global Agency Design Ranking Top 100, highlighting the importance of communication, innovation and sustainability.

An appointment that is also a bridge between different countries and our common belonging to WDO – World Design Organization.

INDIA / Chitkara University

Gopal Meena, Vice President, Strategy Initiatives and Dean, Department of UX&UI, Chitkara Design School
Manpal Setia, Dean, Chitkara Design School
Rabinder Singh, Director, Industry Outreach and Strategic Initiatives, Chitkara Design School

ITALY / Cappelli Identity Design

Emanuele Cappelli, Designer & Founder
Anna Caruso, Digital Project Manager
Paola GaldiEducation & Development
Fabio Zanino, Head of Communication & External Relations

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