Luca Vullo is the italian gestures ambassador around the world, a performer, director, and trainer. For his multifaceted persona, we designed a dynamic personal brand. Following the Dynamic brand methodology, we started from the concept of Accord, that movement which creates a vibration and oscillates between space and time.

Typographically, we used the Extenda typeface for headlines paired with the simplicity of Newton. For the logo, we designed a deliberately misaligned typographic composition where the V captures the moment Luca Vullo takes the stage.

The visual system communicates a new positioning and a multifaceted identity typical of Luca Vullo’s personality.

Resonance and harmony.
Individual and collective.

Audio-photo-video production
Brand identity
Motion graphic
Positioning strategy
Social media marketing
Visual design
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Luca Vullo personal brand by Cappelli Identity Design
Luca Vullo personal brand by Cappelli Identity Design
Luca Vullo personal brand by Cappelli Identity Design
Luca Vullo personal brand by Cappelli Identity Design
Luca Vullo personal brand by Cappelli Identity Design
Luca Vullo personal brand by Cappelli Identity Design
Luca Vullo personal brand by Cappelli Identity Design
Luca Vullo personal brand by Cappelli Identity Design
Luca Vullo personal brand by Cappelli Identity Design
Luca Vullo personal brand by Cappelli Identity Design
Creative Direction
Emanuele Cappelli
Arianna Cappelli
Communication & External Relations
Fabio Zanino
Giulia Martino, Simone Pareti
Digital Strategy
Gabriele Colantuoni
Project Management
Lara Fanelli
Cinzia Capparelli